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电话: 8653285028980
姓名: Jack
Topseller Chemicals Company

  Topseller Chemicals Company Limited was founded in 1990. We are the biggest synthetic detergent specialized manufacturer in north China. We have passed ISO9000 International Management Systems in 2000. Besides focusing on own brand development; the company is active in supplying OEM service for customers. Our products can be manufactured unlabelled, offers our customers the opportunity to mark their own brand name. Our mission is to build a profitable partnership with our customers, deliver qua

主要产品/业务: 洗衣粉 洗衣液 洗洁精 柔顺剂 洗手液 洁厕灵

Topseller Chemicals Company / 山东 / No.10 HongKong Mid Road, Qingdao, China (266000) / 电话:8653285028980

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